Friday, September 07, 2007

huge lesson in life...never ever judge a book by its cover...

hello...i came acrose a RD article that really got me thinking...its abt a girl...1 year older than us....with a very very rare skin genetic disease....harlequin icthyosis(HI)....only 1 in 250,000 babies can have a chance of getting it....basically..this disease causes the skin of the body to grow 14 times faster than normal skin and then you'll be shedding thick thick loads of skin cells...your skin can dry up so fast..that if your skin is allowed to can't even bend your poor girl had this disease...and miraculously she survived...having to survive so many ordeals and even get a college degree...most imptly...she is not afraid of being judged...not afraid that people will get disgusted by her and how she looks like....and that she is willing to open herself up to help children of other diseases...and those kids dun ostracised brave and courageous this woman is...i mean...if i were her...i would have locked myself up like a hermit..and never ever get out of the house at all.....

sometimes...its not the disease that is scary..its the way and state of the people's mind that thot about it....and unfortunately...i'm afraid..thats just not something that all of us are born with...we have learnt to developed this sceptical eye at everyone else....those kids dun despise her in anyways...becos their innocent is in the heart and they look at the others with the heart..not their eyes....and that is why children are the most honest and angel like being ever on earth.....which by the way...many adults can't even do that...and i personally...admit that..i'm one of those ppl....haha....especially on the you-know-who.....

ok...enuf abt my values on for something on the more personal level....well..these 2 days...i have been staying at home clearing up all the vids that i haven't got a time to watch them when i am in school...haha..who else has the time to watch them when you are in school..especially when you are in my course....the most scary course anyone could ever attend in NYP...haha...okok...opps...i dun want to get'm on this new series...queer as folk....well..its kinda...erm...not very well known...but its basically a gay version of sex and the city....where they really toked abt the different views and things in life...

so...that was how i spent my last hol week for school....cos next week...i'm starting a 6 mths work attachment at NEA-EHI....haha....and the truth is...i'm not at all prepared for anything...not at all...haha..cos i dunno what is there to prepare....well..i guess...i'm kinda ready for it mentally...and socially...i'm always ready in meeting new friends..and from what i heard abt this place...haha...i'm going to really expand my circle of friends...on some particular side...haha....well...and honestly..i dunno how are things going to be like there...cos for starters...its real life work...not experiments in cannot afford to make mistakes...haha..well...its not that i make alot of them in school...but its just that you know...i dun wanna ruin thousands of dollars worth of experiments....haha....

ok..thats all for today...see ya!!!!

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