Saturday, August 18, 2007

all of life's...what if and if only...

halfway thru the day...and i was getting very sentimental and didn't want to do my revision..decided to come here and vent it out a little....

in any case....maybe its just me...always asking myself what if...and if only...haha...yeah...for everything i do...i'll always ask myself...sometimes...i always think..did i make the wrong decision...did the wrong thing...or simply speak the wrong stuff....i guess...i'm always asking myself that..cos i'm always lack of that sense of security....

i love to day dream...and most of the time..i always imagine what would have happen to me if i have done the thing the other ways...or choose another life....but slowly after all this while...i've sort of come to the understanding point thinking of them anymore...becos...its all over..and since i cannot go back in time to make the decisions all over again...its best that i give up those little thots that things will be different....and just let it go...

i know that we are just like a big jug of our mind, if we keep pouring things in and not getting things out...we will go bonkers...but sometimes..i just feel that its so hard letting something off...letting it go and forgetting it is by far the most difficult thing i've ever encountered....i know that..nthg can come in unless i take something away...but in terms of this...i'm a very greedy person...all i want is to put the things in and not taking anything or anyone out of my life...haha...sounds stupid isn't it...but its really like this....

i do hope that someone that eventually find out a way to selectively get rid of certain memories of certain things...then...i can choose what i want to stay and what i want to forget..then perhaps...i'll not daydream of those impossiblities already......

ok..thats all...vented it out a little...bye!!!...

p.s. someone teach me how to forget????

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