Saturday, June 09, 2007

poly all about learning how to juggle different components in life

well...first of all..i would like to say sorry to my teammates for my presentation yesterday...i screwed the structure up...but in anycase...the teacher told me that the presentation was should be fine...and oh..yesterday i got my proteomics results for test 1 only got a C...OMG...y???...i thot i did pretty well...i think its the trickiness of the time must be prepared for such tricky qns already....yesterday..i defended a teacher from being grilled and tortured by one of the boys from another class...he himself fail...just simply means that he didn't make it for the grade...just becos the teacher had a question that is very vague..and needs a second opinion to check for the correct answer...doesn't mean that its you time to start coercing the teacher to give you the marks....thank god i was there to help...if not...she might be eaten up...she's so helpless there...and just rudely start questioning her and not even letting her to have a chance to take a breather...for goodness sake..she is your teacher afterall....if you are in my class...i'll make sure i'll scold you and scold....really....thank god he belong to the other this really what students are becoming??...its so disappointing....

anyway....i was at the living room just now...when i saw the a programme from china...they were toking abt this 17 year old girl who becomes a mistress of a rich man just becos she wants to live a good life...and still wants to become a famous designer one day.....even if she made it...she just just going to be a 2 or 3 class designer...never will she be able to become one of the master of designs....that the most disgusting is that..there are actually companies who help these girls to a a so called virginity pass to prove that they are virgins...and actually help them to make contract when they want to get themselves to become a rich man's mistress such that these girl's right will be protected....yeah...rights might be protected...but dignity and moral values of such a totally gone...and i guess...she'll be looked down at for the rest of your life...dun she ever know that..a human most impt value is to love thyself...and lead a life with dignity...dun she ever know that??...its the most simplest virtue anyone can have....and yet...i guess...your's is corrupted....

ok..thats all for today...see ya...

p.s. having buffet tmr...yeah!!!!

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