Wednesday, December 19, 2007

food fight...with choc muzzie's bday...

yesterday was a surprising a present from my boss early in the morning which kinda surprise me a little...haha..for a moment i thot it was a prank...but anyway...thank you so much for the christmas gift....then...we had a year end party yesterday...lots of food...i was so so bloated that i could puke....haiz...sometimes i just can't stop doing things that i have to stop doing...eating for instance is one of them...haha...

at night we went out to celebrate muzzie's bday at simei yesterday...have to go all the way from buona vista....but since its where the bday girl wanted..then ok lor...haha...when we were there..we had 2 choices...steamboat or western food...i happily supported western food..cos i was still very full from the previous meal..and didn't feel like having steamboat that is going to ruin my the end...we had western on to your seat..cos i'm abt to say what i ate....i ONLY ATE A CLUB SANDWHICH...can you believe it???...haha...its like one of those few times i ate so little for dinner...yeah...then was choc cake for the bday girl...which in the end became a food fight...i thot i was save for the day..until they came and attack me..or to be exact..muzzie and heather came to attack me and ah bao actually helped them to block my way...argh...thank god i got strength and i broke off the bundle very soon...but i still got choc on my face...and arms...i'll rmb time...its my turn to attack!!!!

haha..thats all...seeya...

p.s. have a great 20th bday muzzie!!!!

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