Monday, February 19, 2007

i've got so many things i want to blog... view of the exams coming...i have decided to blog in advance for the next few weeks to come...since i am also here waiting for my movie to be any case...i feel like blogging like what a free lance journalist does...haha..i know...i'm not to that level yet...but still i want to blog abt things that happens around hold tight..this is going to be a long post...

first...the CNY..well..this business in collecting ang bao seems to have 20% or so...the reason?? me too..maybe this time round....i did not go to the some of my uncle's and auntie's place where $50 is the minimum they la..just joking...but this year's new rather...i should say...less festive...maybe its becos of my mood...i do feel that having the CNY before the sem exams for the worst sem a little to torturing....hopefully...i'll do well for my exams this time....

CNY in my family is a big matter..year in year out...many ppl come and grandma has to prepare loads and loads of food to keep us these pigs happy and grandma..i love her to tiny tiny life will be so different without her..sometimes..i feel that she is my mother..and my mummy is more like my best friend...perhaps its becos i was being brought up under my grandma's tender loving care ever since the day i'm born...cos my mum's a parents has gave me what i needed and have no complains...but my emotional and spiritual upbringing..its all from my grandma...sometimes..i feel that she is more fashionable than i am...she even criticise my fashion sense every now and then...haha...her perseverance and what i want to learn...she is a very competitive person...perhaps thats where i inherit my competence from....i always tell ppl...if she is given proper education at her time...she will be some big boss now...haha...

i admit...i'm a competitive lazy bone...when i want to get things me...that thing gets done in no time...and i'll do an outstanding job...but when i dun have the mood...nthg can get me going...i like to compare and compete with my friends..sometimes i lose...other times...i win...when i was in primary school..the lazy side of mine takes charge most of the'm not really good...but when i enter upper grades shot up...and i can almost get the top in class like breeze without any problems....its either my intelligence grew in that short period of time..or my classmates went stupid overnight..haha...but when i went into poly...things starts to change...i'm no longer the best in the class...maybe its becos i have been too boastrous b4...such that...i didn't really put in my chem a yr 1 did not do very well..when i finally woke up in my 2nd year...i did fairly well..but i found out that its all too yr 1 has pulled my grades so down that its really difficult to bring it back up this time..i'm really working hard to do well....

ok..thats all for today..see you again...after my exams that is...

p.s. HAPPY CNY!!!!

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